体育训练 & 运动医学-田径-麦克唐纳学校-bet356

体育训练 & 运动医学


我们的教练认真对待他们的角色, and the health and well-being of our student-athletes are a primary concern of McDonogh bet356体育投注. 我们确保运动员有适当的装备, and our coaches and trainers focus on teaching proper techniques and training methods to prevent needless injuries. From our 力量与调节 Program that gives our athletes a strong foundation to our 体能训练师 who help athletes navigate recovery from injuries, McDonogh always keeps our student-athletes best interests at heart by communicating with the player, his or her parents, and 老师 during the recovery period.


麦克唐纳的运动教练, 由首席运动教练阿什利·霍姆斯领导, 纬度, 空中交通管制, are committed to providing student-athletes with the highest quality health care. 知道每次伤害都是不同的, 我们的运动教练专注于个人和他们的需求, developing a path back onto the field that seeks to prevent re-injury.

除了工作人员的运动教练, Dr. 凯尔·约斯特报道 担任麦克唐纳的队医. McDonogh also has a relationship with the University of Maryland's Primary Care 运动医学 Fellowship program. A Fellow from the program comes once a week to meet with students and work with our Athletic Trainers.


The primary focus of McDonogh's strength and conditioning program is to prevent injury and to help students get faster and stronger. By creating well-rounded exercise regimens and teaching athletes proper technique, 我们的目标是减少遭受常见伤害的可能性. Our strength and conditioning staff work with teams and individual athletes to tailor programs that build a strong foundation and help players reach their goals.   

我们的终身健身设施, 2015年升级, 提供最先进的有氧和重量训练设备. 从八年级开始, athletes are taught how to properly use equipment and how to train in a way that maximizes results without the risk of overtraining or fatigue injuries.


Studies have proven that a concussion or MTBI (mild traumatic brain injury) is a significant injury that can have a lasting impact. 在McDonogh, 脑震荡是很严肃的, and we have developed strict protocols for managing how they are managed.


脑震荡是一种撞击, 打击, or jolt to the body that causes bruising to the brain when it hits the skull. Any one of the following symptoms is enough to suspect a concussion:

  • 头痛、恶心或呕吐 
  • 平衡问题,头晕,视力模糊或重影 
  • 对光或噪音敏感的
  • 昏昏沉沉的感觉迟钝、朦胧、有雾或昏昏沉沉
  • 混乱、注意力不集中或记忆力不佳
  • 不“感觉不对劲”或“情绪低落”


A concussion or MTBI (mild traumatic brain injury) is extremely serious. 当学生遭受脑震荡时, 无论是通过bet356体育投注, 娱乐活动, 或事故, McDonogh School requires that he/she complete a step-by-step recovery process before resuming normal academic work, 体育活动, bet356. Returning to any of these activities too soon may cause concussion symptoms to return. 大脑需要时间来愈合.

学生 in the 较低的学校 who sustain a concussion must be seen by a private physician who will be required to complete and share with the school a document called an ACE form. The information on this form will be used by 较低的学校 老师 and 学习专家 to plan for any accommodations the injured student might need during the recovery period. 给五年级和六年级的学生, a medical liaison employed at the school will work with the 学习专家 to manage the "return to learn" program as directed by a physician.

The recovery process for older students is managed by McDonogh’s 脑震荡管理 Team, 哪个是由两组人一起工作组成的. 第一个是包括医生在内的医疗团体, 体能训练师, 学校护士, 咨询神经心理学家. 第二类是由班级主任组成的学术小组, 顾问, 学习专家, 老师, 还有学校辅导员. Teachers are kept well informed of their students' progress and are notified when those students are able to catch up academically. Because all seventh through twelfth graders are required to complete an annual Baseline Test through XLNT Brain, parents may log on to XLNTbrain to track the progress of their child's recovery using the 《bet356》说明.

In the initial stages a student with significant concussion symptoms, 充分的认知和身体休息是必要和期望的. 不要锻炼身体和大脑. 禁止使用电脑屏幕. 没有电视. 没有作业. 没有阅读. As symptoms resolve students will ease themselves back to more academic and 体育活动 under the guidance of our 脑震荡管理 Team.


McDonogh’s 脑震荡管理系统 (CMS) tracks injured students and serves as the primary means of communication among all constituents. CMS提供评估记录, 治疗, 和建议, 以及“回归学习”和“回归游戏”的时间表."

  • 基线测试 All students in grades seven through twelve are required to take a neurocognitive baseline assessment from XLNTbrain to assist the athletic training staff in evaluating concussions. 如果学生得了脑震荡, the test is given again as a means of comparison and to help determine when the student can "return to learn" and "return to play."
  • 后震荡  Once a student is symptom-free, the XLNTbrain test is administered again. Post-concussion scores must be equal to or better than baseline testing scores prior to starting McDonogh’s "return to play" protocol.
  • “返回游戏”协议  学生 must be symptom-free for 48 hours prior to starting the following "return to play" protocol. If at any stage of the five-day program the student becomes symptomatic, he or she must go back to the previous stage and start from there.
    • 第一天:持续心脏活动20-30分钟
    • 第二天:高强度心血管冲刺训练
    • Day 3: run, sprint, and sport-specific activity for 30-60 minutes
    • 第四天:完全无接触练习
    • 第五天:全面练习

最后的xslt大脑测试在第五天或第六天进行. Post-concussion scores must be the same or better than the baseline scores in order to return to play.


If you have any questions about XLNTbrain or McDonogh School’s 脑震荡管理计划, 联系运动教练杰瑞德·布雷弗曼 jbraverman@jackielui.net or 443-544-7148.

欲了解更多信息,请查看视频 脑震荡管理和回归学习 博士. 迈克埃文斯.
